Private Wealth Advisory

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Who We Are

Celernus Investment Partners Inc. is a private company incorporated in Ontario and was established in 2011 as a wealth management firm to help high net worth families, entrepreneurs and professionals with their complex investment needs.

Celernus Investment Partners Inc. is registered in the provinces of Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, Nova Scotia and Quebec as a portfolio manager and an investment fund manager in Ontario and Quebec. The Ontario Securities Commission is the principal regulator for Celernus Investment Partners Inc.

Learn more about CELERNUS

Experienced team

The Celernus Management team is comprised of Gordon Martin, Chris Grant, Kurt Hagerman, Jonathan Miller, Toby Gibson and Dan Brown.

Meet the team

Our Process

At Celernus,  we recognize that nothing gets accomplished without a relationship of trust. This relationship is as important to us as it is to you, and we want to spend time cultivating it. Only when all parties are comfortable, do we begin discussing your financial situation.

In our experience, wealth management is most effective when we understand your current financial position, identify your goals and objectives and develop a plan for the future that is revisited and adjusted regularly.

We commit to co-ordination and communication with your accountants, lawyers and other advisors, ensuring  that all parties are moving forward with the single purpose of effectively managing your assets. Expertly.

Learn more about our process

Our Solutions

We understand that the wealth management needs of high net worth families, entrepreneurs and professionals are complex. Gone are the days when a static portfolio of stocks and bonds, plus a little bit of insurance, would suffice.

We recognize that family income is not maximized by simply taking a salary and contributing to an RRSP account. We have better solutions.

Entrepreneurs and professionals are exposed to unique risks. We build assets outside of their business that provide uncorrelated returns.

Stocks and bonds are necessary, but inadequate on their own. We emphasize investment strategies with high cash flow and low return variability - constructing portfolios around these strategies.

We work with you to build and execute a holistic wealth management plan that allows you to go forward with confidence and peace of mind.

Learn more about our solutions

Our Investment Strategy

We build diversified portfolios with significant exposure to private debt and real estate investment strategies.

Over the last 20 years, the average annual return of a passive, balanced, 60/40 asset allocation strategy has returned about 6.0% with a standard deviation of 10%. Before fees.

Inclusion of actively managed private debt and real estate investment strategies allows us to target higher portfolio returns (over a market cycle) with significantly less return volatility. After fees.

Learn more about investing with us.

Who we are
What we stand for

Our clients are our most important partners.

We appreciate the faith and trust you place in us.

CELERNUS Investment Partners

is a boutique investment and wealth management firm.

At CELERNUS, our culture is one of partnership:

partnership with our employees, service providers and clients.

We have fostered strong relationships

with service providers such as: National Bank Independent Network, KPMG Canada, WeirFoulds LLP, and Convexus Managed Services - allowing us to concentrate on providing superior advice and performance.

Meet the CELERNUS Team

Gord Martin


President and Founder

Christopher Grant


Senior Partner, Portfolio Manager

Kurt Hagerman


Managing Partner

Jonathan Miller

Senior Partner, Business Development

Toby Gibson


Senior Partner, Investment Counsellor

Ben Vukanovich


Associate Portfolio Manager


You are serious about the stewardship of your wealth. As you move through the various stages of life, we will help you:
Enhance it. We help determine how much you will need to retire comfortably. Then, we help you understand how to accumulate sufficient assets to fund your retirement goals.

Preserve it. We take steps to minimize your tax burden, and reduce the volatility in the value of your assets. If you possess employee stock options, we help reduce the risk of this single-company concentraton

Transfer it. We help you plan for the efficient succession and transfer of your corporate and family assets. We also advise and facilitate your charitable giving efforts.

Here is how we do it:


Seek to Understand

During this process, we discuss your  goals and objectives, personal and corporate assets, income needs, and overall financial structure.



Craft Financial Plan

This plan includes all of the moving parts connected to your family's financial well-being, including: tax strategy, retirement planning, investment management, insurance design and estate planning.

10 days


Financial Strategy Meeting

We meet in-person to introduce, consider and fine-tune your financial plan. This involves a discussion about investment strategy.

20 days



30 days

We open new accounts, transfer existing assets, allocate assets and decide upon a communication schedule.


Follow-up Meeting

We meet in-person to discuss the initial positioning of your investment portfolio as well as to set up online access to your investment accounts.

60 days


Execute Your Personal Plan


We will continue to monitor and execute your personal wealth management plan.


Review Meeting

We will build a schedule for regular review meetings to discuss and improve your wealth management plan.


Contact us

Reach out.

We would love the opportunity to discuss how Celernus can help you meet your financial goals.


Contact Info

You have needs
We have solutions

We work with you and your other personal advisers to craft and execute a comprehensive wealth management strategy that is consistent with your unique needs.

Contact us and find out how we can help you.

Retirement Planning

Retirement account assessment

Retirement Income Plan

Pension Benefit Analysis

Beneficiary Review

Risk Review

Family Needs Planning

Education Planning

Special Needs Assessment and Planning

Planning for Support of Aging Parents

Domestic Partner Planning

Insurance and Liability Management

Goal Protection: Life Insurance Long-Term Care

Income Protection: Disability Insurance, Business Overhead Insurance

Liability Insurance: Umbrella Coverage, Keyman Insurance

Estate Planning


Power of Attorney



Charitable Giving

Estate Tax Funding

Executive Compensation Management

Concentrated Stock (Monetizing, Hedging)

Stock Option Strategies

Estate and Financial Planning (Particular to Executive Compensation Management)

Investing with CELERNUS

1. The Building Blocks of Investment Returns


  • Controlled by the Central Bank

  • Can move up or down

Portfolio Return

  • Return = Cash + Beta + Alpha


  • Excess Return of a market above the cash rate (equity, fixed income, etc)

  • 'Passive' return

  • Few in number and inexpensive to obtain

  • Betas rise relative to cash over time


  • Return above the market return attributable to the skill of the manager

  • 'Active' return

  • Theoretically unlimited number but difficult to generate and more expensive to obtain

2. We Invest Privately and Actively

Unique Areas of Investment

Private markets provide investors exposure to unique market segments that are difficult to access through a public market vehicle.


Many private market assets benefit from low correlation to public stocks or bonds.

Lower Price Volatility

Private Market investments are priced at their estimated value rather than at a publicly-traded (that may or may not be consistent with any notion of value).

Active Value Creation

There are a wide range of opportunities in private markets that allow for investors to identify, structure, participate in, and monetize their investment.


Private market returns tend to be higher than their public market counterparts. This is often attributed to a premium paid for illiquidity. However, strategic management of an participation in the investment can increase average expected returns be decreasing the risk of loss.

3. Including 'Active' and 'Private' in the portfolio strategy mix

CELERNUS Mortgage and Income Trust (CMIT)

The fund’s investment objective (to be accomplished indirectly by investments held in the Celernus Mortgages LP) is to provide investors with consistent monthly income while simultaneously protecting capital. Celernus Mortgages LP will invest directly in mortgages with a loan to value measure that provides a desirable degree of security of capital. In addition to Celernus Mortgages LP, the fund will invest in other asset-backed debt, government and corporate bonds and debentures, convertible debt, common equities, warrants, preferred shares, trust units, REITS, derivative instruments and other securities. As of December 30, 2022 this fund is closed to new subscriptions.

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CELERNUS Mortgage and Income Trust (CMIT II)

This fund launched on January 3, 2023 and is the successor fund to the original CMIT. The fund’s investment objective is to invest all or substantially all of its net assets in the Celernus Mortgages LP. Celernus Mortgages LP holds a diversified portfolio of mortgages along with other fixed income investments, all with a goal of providing low volatility consistent returns.

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CELERNUS Absolute Growth Fund (CAGF)

This fund actively invests in private credit and real estate assets. It is particularly focused on equity-oriented strategies in the private real estate space. It seeks to generate 'equity-like' returns over a market cycle with minimal correlation to publically-traded assets and low risk of capital loss.

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CELERNUS Balanced Income Fund (CBIF)

This fund seeks to meet its investment objective by investing long and short in public and privately issued bonds, debentures, convertible debentures, other debt vehicles, income producing equities and related options. CBIF may from time to time invest in other securities such as money market instruments, or derivatives.

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CELERNUS Pivot Private Credit Fund (CPPCF)

This fund’s investment objective (to be accomplished indirectly by investments held in Celernus Pivot LP) is to achieve consistent risk-adjusted returns with low volatility and low correlation to traditional equity and fixed income index returns. Celernus Pivot LP actively invests in securities that incorporate such commercial finance arrangements as: receivables-factoring, asset-based lending, purchase order financing, equipment leasing and business lending – the purpose of which is to provide working capital to growing small and medium-sized businesses.

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Contact us

Celernus Investment Partners Inc.

1001 Champlain Avenue
Suite 302
Burlington, Ontario
L7L 5Z4

fax 1.855.870.7464